Contact Us (Email is the best way to contact us!)

734-578-1298 (call or text!)


Our open hours change frequently depending on time of year and changing class schedules. We do not have regular open hours. If you need to pick up finished work, please keep an eye out for an email with pick up times. Or reach out to us via email.


Find Us

We are located in Downtown Plymouth, Michigan - inside the PARC - Plymouth Arts & Recreation Complex.

The best way to find us is typing Central Clay Studio into Google Maps, Waze or Apple Maps.

PARC has 17 entry doors. You can enter via the main entrances. However, the closest doors are either Door 4 or Door 9. Room 116 is between these 2 doors on the first floor.

DOOR 4: Off of Adams Street, there is a small parking area for door number 4. (Behind Solid Rock Church’s parking lot. You’ll see a large black loading door.)

DOOR 9: Use the driveways off of Adam's Street by the tennis courts. Door 9 is directly across from the tennis courts. (You’ll see signs for Acorn Glassworks and Steppingstone School.)